Top sustainable festival?
We believe that by using our beautiful Ecoplants, the CO2 emissions of your festival can be expanded much more, before, during and after the event.
Our mission is to reduce CO2 in the entire process of the Ecoplant, from production to purchase. This is also known as the 'Well to Wheel (WTW)' principle.
This is the total CO2 emissions from the supply chain and direct CO2 emissions combined.
Various field research reports describe the possibilities of reducing CO2 at festivals. A good reason to move production to Smart Local, so where the customer is located, possibly with the help of local technical education. Schools that help reduce the CO2 footprint of your festival, could it be cooler?
Ecoplant is of course a real marketing tool and with more visibility, it will positively promote awareness of the necessary sustainability/energy transition in the area. As a result, at least 50% of people will be more inclined to contribute to sustainability/energy transition.
At your festival, this percentage will be much higher due to the innovative, sustainable solution of charging the mobile phone on solar energy, so that visitors directly contribute to sustainability/energy transition. Using and selling green electricity is also a revenue model.
In addition to the social benefits of Smart Local production, it also reduces CO2 emissions in the transport process from production to customer by no less than 40% and leads to more sustainable production.
For example, we investigated the Energy pay-back time of the Ecoplant HEX3000, which quantifies the time within which the product has neutralized its production emissions. The energy payback time is < 2 years!
Festiplant is happy to assist you in neutralizing this highly visible and positive step towards CO2 emissions per visitor, don't wait any longer and start right away!
An amazing example is the Paradise City research report on the generation of CO2-neutral & green electricity.