The effect of sustainability
The effect of sustainability at festivals can also be found in the CO2 report that Paradise City published in 2022. Every year, the number of visitors to this beautiful festival increases and the CO2 emissions per visitor decrease. Where in 2015 the CO2 emissions per visitor were 24.16 kg, this has now dropped to 9.58 kg per visitor.
With Ecoplants' latest innovation we expect to contribute to an even lower CO2 emission per visitor. Our two latest models make use of the albedo effect. By imitating this effect with bi-facial panels, the efficiency of an Ecoplant is increased by up to 95%.
But for Ecoplant and Paradise City, CO2 reduction doesn't just end at the festival itself, it's also about the entire supply chain. Paradise City CO2 analysis also includes transport of suppliers, visitors, hotels/camping, food production, waste etc.
Ecoplant is moving its production to Smart Local, an opportunity to start a sustainable and circular process locally. And of course to create even more regional and positive support for a grand event like Paradise City.
Smart Local is producing where the customer is located, possibly with the use of local technical education. This ensures a CO2 reduction of no less than 40% in the transport process from production to customer and leads to more sustainable production. By reducing the distances between production and customer, CO2 emissions are reduced and more sustainable transport options can also be chosen. Because what the report shows is that the largest CO2 emissions from transport come from suppliers. By producing locally and actively opting for more sustainable transport, Ecoplant directly contributes to reducing the largest CO2 emissions of Paradise City.
With Ecoplants' latest innovation we expect to contribute to an even lower CO2 emission per visitor. Our two latest models make use of the albedo effect. By imitating this effect with bi-facial panels, the efficiency of an Ecoplant is increased by up to 95%.
But for Ecoplant and Paradise City, CO2 reduction doesn't just end at the festival itself, it's also about the entire supply chain. Paradise City CO2 analysis also includes transport of suppliers, visitors, hotels/camping, food production, waste etc.
Ecoplant is moving its production to Smart Local, an opportunity to start a sustainable and circular process locally. And of course to create even more regional and positive support for a grand event like Paradise City.
Smart Local is producing where the customer is located, possibly with the use of local technical education. This ensures a CO2 reduction of no less than 40% in the transport process from production to customer and leads to more sustainable production. By reducing the distances between production and customer, CO2 emissions are reduced and more sustainable transport options can also be chosen. Because what the report shows is that the largest CO2 emissions from transport come from suppliers. By producing locally and actively opting for more sustainable transport, Ecoplant directly contributes to reducing the largest CO2 emissions of Paradise City.